Monday, August 4, 2008

Lessons learnt on Sat:
-Never ever watch a Mallika Sherawat flick - not sitting on the first row anyway.
-Take a good pair of ear-buds to catch up on sleep if you HAVE to watch the afore-mentioned wretched genre of movies.
-Not to drive like a lunatic just to get a few seconds of adrenaline rush - it's just not worth it. Now realize what my father exactly means when he says not to look at the speedometer to gauge the speed - the car should be in perfect control at all times. Will have to admit though - the car flight in the air, though small, was pretty exciting :)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Options on a friday night: Ugly or Pagli/ Daaru at the usual place.
This is got to be the benchmark of how truly sad a life can be :P! Time to start boxing I guess :)
Or going to Himalayas for a 100 km run perhaps! And to get hold of some bloody good movies till the above actually materialize.