Friday, December 8, 2006

Hairy tale

I've finally applied for a driving license through an agent and went today for my learner's. Nine people, all of us, cramped together. The only girl amongt us was pretty mad coz of the delay that had been caused and was fuming. Ofcourse, I didn't tell her that I was the cause - I had come in late, and on top of that, filled up the forms in the office, which had taken up some further time. I tried to steer the conversation to somewhere else. Big mistake! The lady happened to be doing research in physics, and as it turned out, loved analysing things. At this point, she invited my inputs on whether the gentleman with his wife in front of us wore a wig (I told her the hair is real - it's the head that's fake). Points in support, points against them, and finally had me convinced that he did indeed wear one. After which, she claimed he shouldn't have, since he was married.

Fact 1: I'm going bald.
Fact 2: I'm single.

Was she suggesting me to wear a wig?


Unknown said...

heard this a lot - iit life gives a lot as well as takes a lot from you, now READING it as well... though i didnt know it is applicable regarding hair as well! :P
btw, this one in your blog made me literally laugh on he quote by Joe Garagiola - I don't care if they call me "baldie" or "chrome dome." God took an eraser and brushed my head clean. I'd rather be bald on top than bald inside.
guess some girl remarked something to him as well to made him comment something like this! whot say!? :D

Feynman said...

:)) funny quote -i hadn't come across this earlier!
a fantastic quote like this would've required atleast a coupla hundred remarks from girls i'm sure :P!

Feynman said...
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